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Dining while on a cruise

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We prefer late dining simply because the wait staff is more relaxed, more talkative, etc. There have been many nights where the four of us are the last ones in the dining room, gabbing and laughing. With early seating we wouldn't be able to do that because of the "shift change". Have to admit that the older we get, though, we'd be better off eating earlier. But, just can't seem to get everything done in time for that 6pm 'dinner bell'.

As for table preference, we have been in groups of 10, 8, 4 and 2. Gotta tell you that as much as I love my husband, spending dinner only with him can be ... boring. We enjoy meeting new people, learning about their day, excursions, etc. On our Princess cruise, we met a very nice couple who had opted for their open dining. They joined us a couple of nights and we managed to squeeze 12 in to our table of 10.

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We have always had friends or relatives with us so have had tables for four but would not mind a larger table. We have met many really nice people at breakfast and enjoy it. We perfer the late seating. Seems to be a little more relaxed and layed back than the early setting. For me dinner is one of the best parts of the day and don't want to feel rushed.

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We usually like a round table for 8. Get to meet lots of good people that way, and we usually switch chairs during the week so we can all get to know one another. We have never had bad dinner companions.

We both like the late seating. We don't like to rush back from ports, and we also don't like to miss sail-away. Also like to have time to have a drink before dinner once in awhile.

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We prefer late seating. Got to get all those sun rays and minutes in port possible!

We prefer the larger tables. Like to get to know others.

On our first cruise we were at a round table for 10. I think by the time we were done 3 couple out of the orginal 5 couples were all that was left because the other kept asking to be moved??? One couple was an Indian couple and not sure they like are company. Another couple had two children with them and I am not sure what happened there. We decided we were the table that nobody wanted to stay with.

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We had that too - on our first cruise we sat alone the whole time - not too bad - table for four. But on the Pride cruise it was a large table and just us. I figured our would - be table mates made it to the dining room - took a look at us and decided the buffet was the way to go. ;o)

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We like a table for 6 for the same reason as MaryLou. The only table we don't like is a table for 2. We have a table for 2 every day of the year at home, so this is a treat and most of our long lasting (and we have a few) cruise buddies were through friendships made at the dining table. Having said that - we also love anytime dining on Princess where we get to meet different folks each night, and if you like your table mates you can always book the same same table each night too.

Typically we prefer early seating in the Caribbean because we usually come in from our excursions in the early afternoon to get out of the heat. Have happy hour at 4 pm on the balcony and then go to early dinner and then the show. In Europe late seating was perfect because you only get back from excursions at 5 pm, this give you time to freshen up, rest and enjoy cocktails before dinner. MaryLou.... I booked late seating for the group cruise because most of the others had done so..... otherwise it would also have been early seating for us.

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our First Cruise on the Ecstasy we had a table for six one couple didn't show so we made it for 4.. the other two people were friends traveling together.. and were nice people...... but when it comes to Dinner time we do like when possible to dine by ourselves.. thus giving us some guaranteed awake time together...

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We started out cruising years ago with a small, table for two, early dining. Then our sons joined us when they were kids and we had a table for 4, early dining. Now that our sons are older, we do late dining, large table, so we can meet other people.

However, we've just returned from our second NCL cruise and we find we prefer 'anytime/freestyle dining. We had dinners by ourselves, just the two of us, and dinners with 10 other people. We loved everything about it.

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