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Two scales at the airline ticket counter?

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when I heard this story this morning on the news.. one of the commentators remarked we are all at mercy at the ingenuity of the CEO's of these companies as they struggle to find ways to generate income to "offset " fuel charges..

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I see a lot more lawsuits in the future if they start doing this. This is discrimination against people who are overweight. There are 'some' people who have eaten their way to obesity, but then there are people who have legitimate health problems...like thyroid, who can't help that they are overweight.

I think this opens up an additional can of worms.

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You guys are looking at this the wrong way. It's a business opportunity. Set up a "Hot Room" real close to the airport. Charge people a fee to use the room and sweat off extra fluid weight. An added benefit to your customers, they would get thru lines at the airport much quicker and the guy that crowds you in your seat won't be a problem anymore! (Unless he is one of your customers) :rolleyes2:

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