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How YOU can help spread the word about CruiseCrazies

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We're always looking for new cruisers to join us. There are many ways you can do your part in helping spread the word. Here are some of them, please add any additional ideas you may have!

1. Share Our Content - Share our forum topics, cruise news articles, photos, blog posts, and other site content via social media. Not only is the link broadcast to all of your online friends when you do this, but it also helps improve our search engine rankings. Ultimately, the more people who "share" our content-rich pages, the more potential traffic and new users we will receive. If each of us could "share" at least 1 of our pages each day on Facebook alone, the amount of additional exposure would be tremendous! How: Click one of the following buttons, located below the content you wish to share:


Alternatively, click one of the social sharing buttons below the photo of an article:


2. Like Us on Facebook - Every time someone new "Likes" us on Facebook, that specific action of them clicking the "Like" button is broadcast to all of their Facebook friends. In other words, if someone has 500 Facebook friends and they "Like" us on Facebook, their friends will see this and as a result they may also click the link to CruiseCrazies, like it themselves, and may ultimately visit our site and become an active member. At the end of the day, the more "Likes" we have on Facebook, the more exposure we receive. So please "Like" us if you haven't already, and ask everyone you know to do the same! How: Visit our Facebook page and click "Like" - And ask everyone you know to do the same! This is what the button looks like:


3. Follow us on Twitter - The more people who follow us, the more people will take notice to that, and could also become followers on Twitter. Each time CruiseCrazies publishes a "tweet" other Twitter followers may "re-tweet" our original tweet, essentially re-posting our message to their followers as well. That's why the more followers we have on Twitter, the better. How: Visit us on Twitter and click "Follow." Just like Facebook, ask everyone you know to do this too. What the button looks like:


4. Forward Our Email Updates - Each CruiseCrazies eNewsletter contains the latest site announcements, most popular content, and helpful information for cruisers. It's distributed to all subscribed members, but there's no reason why non-members shouldn't receive it as well. How: Pass on each eNewsletter to your friends, family, coworkers, and anyone else who may be interested in cruising.

5. Cruise with your CruiseCrazies Cabin Door Hang - Print your free copy and post it on your cabin door aboard your next cruise. Affixing this to your cabin door will not only help promote CruiseCrazies, but is also a great conversation starter with neighbors, helps you find your cabin quicker, and is a fun way to decorate your door. Best part? It's Free! How: Download and Print Here!

6. Distribute our Business Cards - Would you like to travel with some CruiseCrazies business cards to hand out to other cruisers you may meet? Are there any stores or restaurants in your area where you could place some business cards? How: Contact me directly and I'll send you some.

7. Are you active on LinkedIn, or other websites, forums, networks? If allowed, add a link to us in your signature. Something like "Member of CruiseCrazies.com - The Friendliest Cruise Community on the Net" or "Check out my favorite cruising website - CruiseCrazies.com" or "Plan your Cruise. Save Money. Connect with Cruisers. All @ CruiseCrazies.com." How: Each site has it's own way of updating your signature. Some websites have strict policies on posting links to other sites, while others do not. Please check before proceeding.

8. Have a website? Add a banner or link - Link to us in the form of a banner or text link. We have pre-made banners with the code ready-to-go. Or use a text link, it's up to you. How: Webmaster graphics are available here.

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